Tuesday 21 August 2007

Post-NDP Rally

I'm still in the midst of collecting and compiling the feedback from my rally. I appreciate the efforts put in by the Feedback Unit and grassroots leaders. I think they help me understand the ground better.

I want to touch on one thing that people keep asking me about: money. They want to know why we're giving our surpluses away. Why the one per cent CPF interest increase? Why restart Punggol 21? Why invest in Malay language education? These are good questions and should be answered one by one.

What I will say now is that I am merely responding to another call. With the GST increase, there have been louder calls for greater access to the surpluses, more money in their bank accounts. The government has given out New Singapore Shares and other funds. Now, we're giving out incentives. I think that this is a step in the right direction. We are slowly giving back some of the surpluses. But not too much! We always need some money for rainy days.

So on one hand, there is a need to spend to make Singapore into a true City of Possibilities. On the other hand, we must be careful about what we spend on. Education and housing have always been our top priorities. And we need to help the old folks who don't have enough money in their retirement.

I have more to share, but will wait until after I've collated the feedback. I appreciate your patience. In the meantime, please continue sending your feedback to me.

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